Truck hotel on the road: EUROPART meets roatel

It is a well-known problem that there are too few sleeping facilities for long-distance drivers at freeway service stations and truck stops, and new laws are also making the situation even more complicated. In 2020, for example, the European Parliament addressed the Mobility Package Part I and introduced numerous new regulations for professional drivers. The European Parliament prohibits drivers from spending more than five nights in a row in their cabs, and Article 8 of Regulation (EC) No. 561/2006 states that the regular weekly rest period may not be spent in the vehicle. Although it has also been decided that rest areas should be expanded and new ones built, the expansion is proceeding slowly and the problem will remain for the foreseeable future.

New solution: The sustainable microhotel concept for truck drivers

This is where the company roatel comes into play: Behind the portmanteau of road and hotel is a microhotel concept in a high-cube overseas container with 28 m² of interior space, high-quality furnishings including a shower bath and WC, and elaborate heat and sound insulation. The roatels are designed to offer truck drivers a comfortable place to sleep with truck parking at a reasonable price - they can be booked online and via the roatel app; there you can also find all roatels and partners in your area.


Of course, we at EUROPART wouldn't just recommend anything to you and your colleagues - that's why we visited roatel and took a closer look at the concept:

Highly efficient and robust solar cells for container hotel

In order to make the roatels even more sustainable, we as EUROPART brought our partner Green Energy into play. In a pilot project, we installed a 3.35 kWp solar module on the container roof.


The Danish company Green Energy specializes in the development of solar systems for mobile applications - including solar modules for trucks, campers and caravans or buses.


Unlike conventional solar cells with cells made of crystalline silicon, the CIGS solar cells developed by Green Energy are flexible, extremely resistant and therefore protected against damage and spontaneous combustion. In addition, the novel solar cells generate electricity even at the lowest solar irradiation and therefore guarantee a high energy yield. EUROPART offers these solar cell sets in different sizes and performance classes. Thanks to their thin and very flexible design of only three millimeters, the solar cells are particularly suitable for use on vehicle roofs or other mobile applications.


"We see roatel as a great solution for many professional drivers* who spend days on end on Europe's roads. Our solar cell solution also allows us to make the roatel concept a bit more ecological." - Olaf Giesen, CEO EUROPART
